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Why STEM Courses in Singapore are Among the Best in the World

Why STEM Courses in Singapore are Among the Best in the World

In recent years, STEM, an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, has gained traction among nations worldwide as a field that will play a key role in redefining the future of the world as we know it. 

By prioritising STEM, it is expected that advancements in areas such as medicine, sustainability, computer science also other highly technical fields will grow at a rapid pace. As such, each nation has been racing to provide a foundation for young minds to be leaders in their fields, and Singapore is one nation that has made rapid progress in this regard. 

In this article, we’ll share why STEM courses in Singapore are among the best in the world. 

Cultivating a Culture of Educational Excellence

Singapore’s government has gone to great lengths to continuously develop the country’s education system. One only needs to look at the level of activity driven by the nation’s Ministry of Education since its launch in 1955. A closer look at more recent activity will reveal a series of initiatives develope towards furthering its mission to create an education system ready to ride the waves of change in the 21st century. 

For example, in 2000, it launch a blueprint for the adoption of technology as a tool for instruction as well as means to equip teachers with basic digital competency. From 2009 to 2014, it built on that foundation, ramping up support for schools ready to achieve higher levels of ICT use in education while at the same time integrating ICT into the curriculum. 

Fast-forward to 2020, where the latest initiative, name the EdTech plan, is in progress. It aims to make education more self-direct, personalise, connect also human-centre – all of which are pillars that are key to fostering skills that will enable young students to thrive in the 21st century. Skills such as STEM

Opening Paths to Mastery

But that’s not all; MOE has other initiatives in place central to the development of STEM. Examples include SLS, an online learning portal where teachers can acquire access to curriculum-aligne resources to match the needs of the 21st century

But (in our opinion) one of the most impactful initiatives MOE has embark on that bears a strong influence on the quality of STEM courses in Singapore, is the teaching track, a framework for the professional development of teachers in Singapore. 

In 2001, MOE launch the teaching track to open roads for teachers to advance their careers also develop professionally. Apart from this, the teaching track also sought to provide pedagogical leadership also mentorship with the goal of enhancing the capability also qualities of teachers in Singapore. 

The teaching track, among other things, encompasses external work attachment programmes, professional development programmes, as well as courses design to prepare teachers for leadership roles. The scope of this initiative is broken down into three main career tracks: the teaching track, the school leadership track, and the senior specialist track

The teaching track is target at teachers who aspire to enhance the theory and practice of learning. While the school leadership track is focused on teachers who wish to take part in the effective management also leadership of schools. The senior specialist track, meanwhile, is for teachers who aim to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in specific disciplines.

Within this framework, teachers can choose to develop upwards or laterally, depending on their inclinations. This has made Singapore a potent force of STEM education globally by creating a culture and community that sustains continuous learning and pedagogical refinement. 

How does this happen? Teachers and schools benefit from the ideas and knowledge generate by progressing through the track. For example, Master Teachers do not necessarily advance from the teaching track. They may journey from the Senior Specialist track to School Leadership before landing in the Teaching track – bringing a host of accumulate skills also experiences that enhance their capabilities as teachers. 

Final Thoughts

The combination of conducive policies, systems, also learning culture together make STEM courses in Singapore among the best in the world. And as MOE-approved educators, we at STEM Genius define ourselves by how well we do in preparing children for successful STEM Careers. We have weekly coding classes as well as weekly robotics classes for ages 4 through 12, all of which are continuously update and reference from leading institutions such as Harvard and Stanford. To learn more about our curriculum, you can reach us here

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