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Lego Robotics Classes for Kids | STEM Genius | Singapore

Lego Robotics Classes for Kids | STEM Genius | Singapore

According to a report published by the International Federation of Robotics in 2021, Singapore ranked 1st as the country with the highest robot density at 918 units per 10,000 employees. 

A strong focus on robotics has made Singapore a modern manufacturing success. 

But it’s not just in Singapore; across the globe, in many countries, the robotics industry is growing to become an integral part of the technology landscape, redefining industries such as health, manufacturing, agriculture, military, and more. 

Futurologists predict that by 2040, robots will transform life as we know it, growing out of an industrial capacity to play a greater role in our individual lives. 

As stewards of the next generation, the onus is on us to prepare young minds to thrive and succeed in a future where robots affect work and life. 

At STEM Genius, we have designed our lego robotics classes to pave the way for kids to play a leading role in shaping how the future unfolds.

Benefits of Learning Lego Robotics

Beyond equipping kids to succeed in a world defined by automation, teaching kids about robotics offers several surprising benefits

Teaches Kids Problem-Solving and Engineering Skills

Many would agree that taking kids to robotics classes provides a foundation to learn engineering. What is less obvious, however, is that robotics classes are also designed to teach children how to design and create something that solves a problem. This is a skill that is valuable to have, regardless of where you end up in life.

Teaches Kids the Importance of Teamwork

Research shows that collaborative problem-solving often leads to better results. Furthermore, learning how to leverage or work with others can foster friendships and promote loyalty – a value that can offer significant benefits in a personal as well as professional capacity.

Helps Kids Develop Leadership Skills

Teamwork is part and parcel of participating in robotic projects. And all too often, robotics projects require a leader. Enrolling in a robotics class will help kids develop leadership skills, particularly in instilling confidence and empowering them to learn that their voices and actions can have an impact and meaning.

Robotics Classes Make Learning Fun

One of the most significant benefits of teaching robotics at a young age is that it teaches kids how to love learning. Passion is essential to innovation. By introducing kids to technical concepts at a young age, not only does it provide a foundation for more complex studies, it allows them to develop an earlier interest in STEM subjects that will have a positive impact on their development.

The STEM Genius Formula

Our goal at STEM Genius is to make learning STEM fun. Learning at our centre is guided by a mission to a) nurture kids in STEM and b) cultivate a passion for STEM subjects. We believe these two elements will help create engineers and scientists who will transform the world in incredible ways. 

Stanford Design Thinking

We have incorporated design thinking into our STEM instruction based on the Stanford D School framework to help kids adopt a creative solution-based approach to solving problems. This starts with empathising, then defining needs and problems, building ideas, creating solutions and testing them out in real-world applications.

STEM.org Accreditation

Outside of incorporating Stanford design thinking and other strategies from leading institutions such as Harvard, we have worked to strengthen the value of our education. We are the first institution in Singapore to be accredited by STEM.org, a reputable credentialing organisation in America well known across the globe for its authority in pedagogy.

STEM.org accreditation verifies the quality of an organisation’s STEM programs in line with global standards.

Immersive Learning

In our journey to reinforce the quality of our STEM programs, we have stayed true to our mission to make STEM learning fun. The aid of interactive virtual and augmented reality programs, in addition to entertaining activities, has allowed us to make learning more immersive and fun – keeping students engaged and present throughout each of the classes.

What will Kids Learn

STEM Genius lego robotics classes have been carefully curated for kids aged between 4 and 12. 

In the Jr Coding and Robotics classes for ages 4-5 years old, through hands-on experience, kids are introduced to coding concepts as well as computational thinking. 

For ages 6 to 11, our Kids World of Robotics program teaches kids about different educational robots and goes a little further into more advanced programming concepts such as sequences and loops. 

In both programs, kids will apply computational thinking, learn science based on the MOE syllabus, develop critical thinking skills, hone their communication skills, and learn how to collaborate.

Ready to Enrol Your Kids for Lego Robotics?

Jr Coding & Robotics

Weekly Schedule

Saturday : 2.00 – 3.30pm


Kids World of Robotics

Weekly Schedule

Saturday : 2.00 – 3.30pm


If you wish to learn more about Lego robotics or any of our various courses, you can reach us by clicking here.

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