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Kids Weekly Coding Classes v2

Age: 4 – 6 Years Old
Duration: 60 Minutes
Level: Basic

This course is designed for young kids (4 to 6 years old) to learn creating their own animations, interactive stories, and dynamic games in a fun way.

Using Educational Coding Robot and MIT Scratch Jr App, kids will learn coding concepts and computational thinking through hands-on exploration.

Ellipse 1ss
Vector Smart Object 1ss 1
Vector Smart Object1
Vector Smart Object2 1 ss

Course Outline

IMG 20211215 162509 scaled
IMG 20211222 160714 scaled
Vector Smart Object2 ss
Vector Smart Object 2
Ellipse 1ss
Vector Smart Object 1ss 1
IMG 20211223 164543 scaled

Course Curriculum

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211223 164543 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211223 151411 1 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211228 160800 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211230 120826 scaled
Learn The 21st Century Skills
The Design Thinking Model Image by Stanford d school 5
Critical Thinking

Through our guided design thinking activity, kids will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

asian children are playing laptop computer in the park

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

Literacy & Numeracy

Assessment questions for kids to learn and practice numeracy, literacy and science.

a kid is playing and learning with a robot 1
Child Development

Kids will improve their fine motor skills and social development through our hand-on in class robotic programming activities.

group of kids at lunch in school

Group collaborative projects where kids will work together in group to solve challenges.

The Design Thinking Model Image by Stanford d school 5
Critical Thinking

Through our guided design thinking activity, kids will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

asian children are playing laptop computer in the park

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

Literacy & Numeracy

Assessment questions for kids to learn and practice numeracy, literacy and science.

a kid is playing and learning with a robot 1
Child Development

Kids will improve their fine motor skills and social development through our hand-on in class robotic programming activities.

group of kids at lunch in school

Group collaborative projects where kids will work together in group to solve challenges.

IMG 20211223 151411 1 scaled

Age: 6 – 10 Years Old
Duration: 90 Minutes
Level: Basic

The Creative Computing Curriculum, designed by the Creative Computing Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is a collection of ideas, strategies, and activities for an introductory creative computing experience using Scratch.

Harvard’s Creative Computing Lab curriculum, this programme helps kids build the perfect foundation in coding using the Scratch platform. Our trainers will engage kids in learning, expressing themselves and creating animations and games. Kids will also be challenged on real-world Science problems and learn to solve these problems using Design Thinking.

Course Outline

Ellipse 1ss
Vector Smart Object 1ss 1
Vector Smart Object1
Vector Smart Object2 1 ss
IMG 20211215 162509 scaled
IMG 20211222 160714 scaled
Vector Smart Object2 ss
Vector Smart Object 2
Ellipse 1ss
Vector Smart Object 1ss 1
IMG 20211223 164543 scaled

Course Curriculum

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211223 164543 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211223 151411 1 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211228 160800 scaled

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

IMG 20211230 120826 scaled
Hardvard Creative Computing

Kids will learn coding and be in designing and creating animated stories, games and many more.

asian children are playing laptop computer in the park
Technology Literacy

Interesting and interactive and assessment questions for kids to learn and practice STEM.

a kid is playing and learning with a robot 1
Critical Thinking
Through our guided design thinking activity, kids will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

group of kids at lunch in school

Group collaborative projects where kids will work together in group to solve challenges.


Kids will learn coding and be in designing and creating animated stories, games and many more.

asian children are playing laptop computer in the park
Technology Literacy

Interesting and interactive and assessment questions for kids to learn and practice STEM.

a kid is playing and learning with a robot 1
Critical Thinking
Through our guided design thinking activity, kids will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
two male pupils building robotic vehicle in science lesson

Kids will present their projects in class and get to hone their communication and presentation skills.

group of kids at lunch in school

Group collaborative projects where kids will work together in group to solve challenges.

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