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Kids Coding Holiday Classes

Holiday Coding Class: Keep your child gainfully edutained this holiday by joining in our Coding Bootcamp for juniors between the age of 4 to 6 years old where they will pick up foundational coding skills using MIT Scratch.
Kids will explore and be introduced to powerful ideas from computer science, tied in with literacy, to learn in a playful, structured and be developmentally challenged while in the Bootcamp.

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Learn Coding using MIT ScratchJr

Easy to use “click and snap” interface provide new structures to help young children learn not just coding but also computational thinking and problem-solving strategies. Using the dexterity of their fingers to help them to line the interactive blocks together to build powerful and meaningful scripts and watch the ideas in their minds become animations which come alive.

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21st Century STEM Learning

Kids learn not just coding techniques but 21st century STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education. They will develop problem-solving skills and collaboration as a team, skills that can benefit them in all areas of their life.

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Interactive Story Boarding

Kids collaborate in groups to introduce their ideas from literacy using MIT ScratchJr. They will continue to pick up social skills and creativity while they interact with other children. Storyboarding helps to keep everyone on the same page and help provide them a visual picture of their creation from start-to-finish.

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