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4 Reasons to Take Your Kids for STEM Classes

4 Reasons to Take Your Kids for STEM Classes

4 Reasons to Take Your Kids for STEM Classes Stem Genius scaled

The increasing importance of computing and technology in the modern workplace means that people with a strong background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics possess valuable skills that will always be sought after. As parents, you want to give your kids the best possible education from the most reliable source you can find.

Let’s look at why it’s a great idea to take your kids for STEM classes.

Singapore is committed to increasing students’ participation in STEM from a young age

To act on this, the government plans to have eight out of ten children eventually studying in nationally-supported preschools. Singapore’s Ministry of Education intends to accomplish this by 2025. 

This plan reflects the Ministry’s goal not only to prepare students with a solid foundation of STEM knowledge, but also encourage them to nurture a lifelong interest in these studies and apply them to create better lives for themselves and for society.

This feedback loop has already begun: a 2017 survey found that more than 90 percent of young students in the country enjoy at least one STEM subject, and will probably go on to major in one of these subjects after secondary school.

The government has made adjustments to help STEM students maximise their potential and opportunities in the workforce

Even before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong realised in 2015 that Singapore’s STEM capabilities would be vital to the country’s future growth, the Agency for Science, Technology and Research had already been established in 1991. This agency was built specifically to develop the national industries of biomedical science, energy and chemicals, and engineering. 

More recently, the Ministry of Education also plans to partner with institutes of higher learning to help students maximise their potential, and thus ensure a smooth transition to the national workforce after they complete their studies.

The Ministry aims to make training programs highly responsive to changes in the economy and evolving industry trends. The goal of this is to ensure that Singapore’s continuing education and training programs can improve people’s chances of gaining employment in the future, despite a changing landscape.

An emphasis on lifelong education, as well as early childhood education, would serve as a game-changer for improving Singapore’s position among global competitors – especially given the many technological and business disruptions taking place in modern times.


The Singapore education system emphasises social values and personal skills as well as technical knowledge

The Singaporean education system does not focus solely on the technical skills and knowledge necessary for success in STEM fields. Soft skills and core values are also emphasised in order to help students excel in a changing world, and better prepare them for the future in general. 

Schools and parents work together to help instil healthy values in students – among these are a sense of duty and responsibility towards their community, resilience when facing challenges, the moral courage to uphold an ethical code, and an appreciation for unity and diversity in a society composed of many different cultures. Additional skills such as critical thinking, self-awareness, self-management, and initiative in learning are taught to further equip students for the inevitable challenges of life. 

Singapore is bringing all hands on deck to reach its goals for STEM education

Singapore’s EdTech Plan aims to integrate educational technology and digital learning into the country’s schools and pre-university institutions. To this end, students, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education process are each given the tools and responsibilities necessary to make this happen.

Students are guided to become future-ready digital learners who eventually take ownership of their own learning.

Teachers design and facilitate learning experiences that are mediated by technology where appropriate. These teachers are also encouraged to invest in their own education by continuing to learn and stay up to date with technological developments related to teaching and learning.

School environments are designed to facilitate change and growth, adapting quickly to new needs and using data to gain insights on how to improve teaching practices. 

Finally, active partners such as parents and other collaborators stay informed about the advantages and disadvantages of technology in learning, and take steps to support students at home and outside of schools.

Are you ready to give your kids great STEM classes?

At STEM Genius, we provide classes in coding and robotics, with a curriculum designed by Creative Computing Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. We are also accredited by STEM.org, a highly regarded credentialing organisation in the United States.

When you are ready to help give your kids the best possible foundation in the STEM fields, contact us here.

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